ECO2 invests in management teams which are building Ecosystem Economics® Firms and Funds.

Too frequently disruption is considered a result of technology alone. Innovation has always been about Economics. Otherwise, we’d all be flying the Concorde not Jumbo Jets.

Through the FTE® Capital Markets and KEA Valley ®, we operationalize Lift Off.  ECO2 provides an in-built Operating Platform for the Investments that are made via ECO2. 

If you are running a large established firm in any sector, you know how your house is being broken into. You know where the door lock is poor and the window frame is jammed. You know where the leaks and the vulnerabilities are.

ECO2 invests in Enablers not Disrupters.

How do we turn the Intruder into a Guest? The Incumbents and Challengers in every Industry by harnessing the Velocity of the Shift towards creating Ecosystem Economics companies.

Ecosystem Economics Firms and Funds drive the profitability of their industry not just their own firm. They harness the Network Orientation of the world.  Think of this as the Uberisation of any Industry:

  • Increase the Participants by Ease of Engagement
  • The increased number of Participants drives more Transactions
  • More Transactions drives the size of the Industry

All B2B businesses are fundamentally B2C2B businesses as the end user /individual’s preferences are understood by those who will build Ecosystem Economics firms and funds most quickly.